Welcome to our website....Let it be both an entrée into our community and an ongoing source of information about how we try to live out our vision which is “To Follow The Example Of Jesus in word, deed and service.” – I hope you accept that that’s a goal and not a boast about where we are now!
I want to give you a bit more of a welcome than this so, if you’d like more… click here. |
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Important Dates11th February
Parish Office Closed (Training) 13th February Latte Ladies 9.45am 2nd March Clean Up Australia Day 4pm |
Community News
We are ready for Clean Up Australia Day. Join us at 4pm, Sunday 2nd March. We will meet at Keong Park, Quandeine St, clean the park, then ‘emu bob’ progressing along Appleby and Shand Streets to Roy Harvey Park where we will clean up, and conclude. The event will run for a maximum of 90 minutes. Gloves and bags will be provided. Be sun safe, COVID safe and remember to hydrate. We encourage you to pre register, this will help us in our preparations. The process is simple; go to https://www.cleanupaustraliaday.org.au/ Click on Join a Clean Up and enter the postcode 4053. This will bring you to Keong Park Appleby Rd Shand St Roy Harvey Park . Click on Join This Site and enter your contact details. At the park we will have a QR code for you to digitally input your contact details. For those who do not have digital access, there will be paper registration as well. All children under the age of 18 must be accompa-nied by an adult. ONLINE TENNIS COURT BOOKING
Start Anew in Christ The AoB 2025 Lent resource, is now in stock! A resource for Lent from Ash Wednesday until Easter Sunday with daily reflections ac-companied by reflection questions and a concluding prayer. With small groups in mind, we have purposefully formatted the Sunday reflections to make this resource open to use in Lenten groups. Sign up to order at the back of the church. |